Friday, 21 September 2018

Learning from setbacks

I’ve had a very up-and-down journey with my illness so far; I’ve had episodes of being well enough to work and walk, interspersed with horrific relapses that have taken months to improve from.  Having unfortunately had another significant setback this July, I wanted to reflect back on my pattern of these to try to extract any wisdom possible to minimise potential pitfalls in future.

Causes of my major relapses:

1. Going back to work when still ill after a bug & living in a stressful flat situation.
2. Given a dose of thyroid meds by GP that was too high.
3. Given a dose of thyroid meds by GP that was too high again (should’ve learned the first time!!).
4. Getting back into a push & crash cycle through social temptations, trying to work more than able & catching a stomach bug.
5. Pushing myself beyond my abilities to cope with work, plus two emotionally stressful events.
6. A major emotionally stressful event and possibly herbal supplement side effects. 

How I’ve improved each time:

1. Resting more and eating well, moving to live somewhere nice.
2. Graded Exercise Therapy & hypnotherapy
3. Graded activity management & time.
4. Time & the Lightning Process
5. Time, pacing, positive social interaction.
6. Currently in process....

So....from my reflections it seems like significant factors are a) my dose of thyroid medication, b) trying to work more than my energy permits and c) large emotional stressors. 

Of help appears to be carefully managing my activity levels and working on factors that promote positive neurology/provide support.

I’d recommend mapping out factors like this for anyone who suffers from CFS/ME, diarising my activities has been so useful to me in providing me with objective evidence of how I respond to various situations and interventions.  Now I’ve got this overview, my new recovery plan is in process!

Fingers crossed (plus continued hard work!) for onward and upward.

Sending you all healthy wishes,

Rose Through Concrete xXx

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